Our Public Outreach programs
Our actions
Examples of public outreach and science education actions:
2022-Present : Les chemins de la découverte: public outreach/science education material for Indigenous and non-Indigenous audiences
2021-Present: Radio interviews for scientific magazine Futur Simple broadcasted on CKRL 89.1. Webinars for the public with Déclic.
2021-Present : Women in science events (e.g. Soapbox Quebec City)
2020: Featured as a Horticulture Hero and Plant Champion by Seed your Future. Interview to discuss the scientific study of traditional medicines. https://www.seedyourfuture.org/aurelie_jacquet
2018 : Podcast: Episode 4 - Merging interests: more than one passion”. Planted: Finding Your Roots in STEM Careers podcast series by the Morton Arboretum.
Our most recent projects
Les chemins de la découverte
A French/English bilingual program to learn and hear Indigenous and non-Indigenous scientists tell stories about their career and share their amazing discoveries! Facebook page